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Why Swimming is Hard

February 20, 2014 by aneesht202   

“I’m too tired, I can’t go anymore!” Swimming has lots of advantages, but it sure can be hard.

For starters, some people are afraid of the water and you can’t blame them. The first time I saw a pool, I was pretty scared myself because I thought I would drown. “Don’t push me!” I shrieked with terror. All in all, swimming is just plain hard.

Second of all, swimming requires lots of endurance because your body gets tired very quickly. For example, Olympic swimmers have to train very-very-very-hard to improve their endurance. I don’t think I can even do half of what they do! Whether it’s fear or endurance, swimming is a very hard sport!

Swimming is hard in many ways like fear of water or not having enough endurance. As long as you keep trying, hard things can be accomplished. Maybe I should start swimming with a buoy…


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